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Using your age to your advantage as a freelancer

Written by

Jessica Marrazzo

Posted on

September 10, 2021

Are you over 50 and considering working for yourself? Turns out, you’re not alone. Today, 46% of the UK self-employed workforce is over the age of 50, with over 2.3 million freelancers in this age bracket in the UK alone!

Aside from weighing up the pros and cons of this career choice, there are a few deciding factors that are often at play:

  • Flexibility. Many people in this demographic find themselves caught in the sandwich generation, caring for both their children and their ageing parents. Working in a fixed 9-5 environment can make it challenging to manage their multiple life roles.
  • Challenge. Some people feel that they have exhausted all their options once they reach a certain seniority in a traditional office environment. If you’re finding yourself craving new challenges and opportunities, independent working could be the right choice for you.

The good news is that there are many businesses out there that are looking to bring your wealth of experience to their teams! Many of our clients are looking for top-tier professionals that can help them grow their businesses, both in consultancy and advisory roles. 

Based on these conversations, we’ve rounded up 4 ways that you can use your age to your advantage when working for yourself.

Play to your strengths

At this point in your career, you’ll have built up a solid foundation of work experience. What’s more, over the past few decades, you’ll no doubt experimented with a few different avenues and found your niche. Now is the time to use it to your advantage! Choose the projects that you’re most passionate about and maximise your past experience. Not only will this unlock greater job satisfaction, it will also allow you to tap into those higher paid missions too.

Get tech savvy

It’s a common misconception that experienced workers are less skilled with digital tools. But it is true that 55% of freelancers choose to update their skills every 6 months. So, make sure you’re prepared for remote working by trying out a range of platforms that are relevant to your role. Google Digital Garage and Hubspot Academy are great places to start.  

Use your network

The longer you’re in the game, the bigger your network will become. Which is good news, because many independent workers find that 80% of their leads come from their network. Making the transition to work for yourself is also a great opportunity to step up your networking, both online and in-person. So, keep your LinkedIn feed updated. Reach out to someone new. And don’t be afraid of joining that next networking event. You never know where those connections may lead.

Feel confident

Whatever stage you’re at in your career, confidence can be a stumbling block for us all. But the statistics are on your side. Did you know that you’re more likely to succeed as an entrepreneur if you start in later life? Through each of your past experiences, you’ve built up communication and negotiation skills that are invaluable in this line of work. Now is the perfect time to put your knowledge and expertise into practice: you’ve got this.

Are you an experienced fashion & luxury professional looking to make your next flexible career move? We have a growing community of consultants that are on the same journey, and we’d love for you to join us. Sign up for free here

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