
Leke Oladeleojo

I am outgoing and confident and always ready to put myself out there.
Previous Brands
London Eye
Sarah Jones MP
Work Experience
Customer service assistant and retail assistant
Jul ‘23 - Sep ‘23
London Eye

• I worked as a customer service assistant as well as a retail assistant at the London eye. • While working at the eye, my responsibilities included assisting customers with enquiries, selling tickets to customers using the system, being behind the till and stocking shelves as well as making sure the inventory was correct. • This experience really helped me enhance my communicative skills as I had to help customers from a vast range of different countries who didn't know how to speak English. I was able to come up with different ways of communicating such as using drawings or making notes as well as quickly picking up key words in different languages. It also gave me the training to tend the needs of disabled people.

Work experience
Jul ‘22 - Jul ‘22
Sarah Jones MP

• I had the privilege of shadowing my local MP, Sarah Jones, who belongs to the Labour Party, for a whole week. • Throughout my time shadowing the MP, I engaged in various tasks, including inputting voting data into the system, utilizing Excel to generate a spreadsheet for data presentation, responding to constituents' emails on behalf of the MP, and preparing briefing sheets for her prior to attending meetings. • Additionally, we were granted the opportunity to spend a day in parliament, observing the daily routine of an MP. • This valuable work experience not only enhanced my communication skills through addressing the needs of the constituency but also improved my proficiency in computer usage, particularly in utilizing Excel more effectively. The creation of briefing sheets sharpened my ability to identify crucial information and summarize extensive content.

Education & Training
University of Birmingham
Unknown - ‘23
Bachelor of Economics
St George's Harpenden
‘21 - ‘23
Economics- A, Geography- A, Chemistry- B
The King's School
‘15 - ‘21
Mathematics and English language.
London, UK