
Sumaya Mohamed

Outgoing, friendly and supportive.
Previous Brands
Work Experience
Victoria secret and pink new bond st
Sep ‘23 - Now
Victoria's Secret

• This company has taught me many things including: multitasking, customer service, inventory management, and the benefits of teamwork. This store is a flagship store therefore can be very busy but for me it is quite enjoyable as it makes it easier to interact with many people from all over the world at different ages in life. This job allowed me to express my customer service and teamwork skills in order for us to be able satisfy cutomer needs and be able to keep the store's high standards. • I have learnt from this job how to drive top selling products and get customers to expand their basket and to feel comfortable and happy to spend their money on the products that we have. This was the main learning point when it came to customer service and putting customers first. Nursery: • I worked with young children up to the age of preschools. I was able to help them achieve their daily tasks of eating, sleeping and interacting with others whilst improving on their skills. It allowed me to plan fun and creative activities for them. I improved on my planning skills and organisation, whilst being able to manage my time and get everything done in a timely manner.

customer advisor
Sep ‘21 - Aug ‘23

• Ensured to maintain a clean standard of shop floor which reduces health and safety risks for customers and staff. • Helped customers and answered all enquiries and Maintained reports of event activities and irregularities, such as property damage, health and safety incidents or any unusual occurrences. • made me practice a range of skills including customer service to simple labeling correctly of items. It also helped me improve my awareness of surroundings as often people came into the store and stole items, this kept me cautious and aware of everything that was happening in the store. • I improved on my time management skills as I had to work part Time whilst studying. Also it was a flagship store, therefore I had to improve my skills of working under pressure to be able to ensure that customers were satisfied when they left the store.

Team member front of house & kitchen
Aug ‘21 - Jul ‘22

• Working at itsU I have developed many skills including a boost in my confidence and ability to provide great customer service to our loyal customers. I have been involved in the making of the sushi and all other food products that we serve to our customers. I am constantly making sure to look after the shop floor to ensure that it is clean and tidy for people to eat. I'm constantly having conversations with customers as that's something I enjoy doing, helping them with anything they need or are confused about. I worked well in such a busy work atmosphere as it was always fast paced and quite intense, however I enjoyed it as it meant that we always had something to do and tried to stay on top of daily commitments. • Working at Itsu made it easier for me to focus on small details, interact well with others, and be able to persuade customers to make purchases. • One of my favourite parts being part of the itsu would have been interacting with regular customers who come back to the shop and ask about you when you are not there because of an impact you made in their visit there. Small gestures such as a small talk and appreciating the customers can make their experience at the store better.

Fine tutors
Feb ‘23
Self employed

KS1 and KS2 maths and english • Tutoring key stage 1,2 &3 pupils mathematics and english. • Developed first class organisational skills in preparing activities and teaching really young students one to one, whilst keeping them on track and calm. • Created a student-reporting tool in Excel to monitor learning progress. Reporting allowed for the recognition of high performance and areas of improvement for all pupils. • Regularly provide feedback using positive reinforcement techniques to encourage, motivate and build confidence in pupils.

Retail Experience
Retail Category
High street
Work Environment
Flagship store
High street store
Shopping centre
Product Category
Beauty & Fragrances
Client Help
Client Advising
Product demos
Returns & Exchanges
Cash register
Product labelling
Product setup
Store Maintenance
Education & Training
ELizabeth Garett Anderson girls School
‘14 - ‘19
Master of Applied Science
City University Of London
Student radiographer