
Fungai Muzoroza

Creative entrepreneur | Fashion Designer | Costume Designer | Stylist | Creative Director

With a flair for fashion design and styling, I have excelled in customer service within fast-paced retail environments. My experience spans sales, makeup artistry, and event planning, showcasing my adaptability and commitment to excellence. I thrive under pressure, bringing creativity and passion to every role.

Previous Brands
Makope Productions
Rungano and Meso Maviri
Triggerfish Studios Ltd
Gert-Johan Coetzee
Fungai Muzoroza
Gus Hanson
Fungai x Rufaro
Michael Wisher
Kids R Us
Coco Seed
Work Experience
Fashion Designer for Shein X
Mar ‘24 - Now

At the beginning of 2024 I took a big leap and entered the Shein Global Challenge competition and came in second place as the winner of the Shein X Style Award which was also a judges choice award. This means I get to showcase my collection, be one of their Shein X designers and sell the collections on their site whilst also earning a commission.

Head Stylist and Costume Designer
Mar ‘23 - May ‘23
Makope Productions

I worked again as a head stylist and costume designer on a short film by Makope Productions. It was highly rewarding and even though it was under a short period of time, I was able to put a lot together which really added to the visuals looking amazing!! The project is called daughter of the soil and will be out in July 2023

Head Stylist and Wardrobe Standby
Oct ‘22 - Mar ‘23
Rungano and Meso Maviri

For 6 months I was the Head stylist for a film between Rwanda and Zimbabwe. The cast and crew were from different countries around Africa and the experience really made me grow to love film as well as creating meaningful stories that serve to aid or appreciate our culture and development of our African counteries. I had worked on many sets before but this was probably the biggest one yet seeing as it was a feature film. The project is called Afrikanda

Voiceover Artist
May ‘22 - Jun ‘22
Triggerfish Studios Ltd

I received the opportunity to work as a voiceover artist for an animation which will be showing on Disney Plus. This was also extremely exciting, not only getting to voice over some of the extra characters but also seeing the behind the scenes of animation.

May ‘22 - May ‘22
Gert-Johan Coetzee

This year I received an amazing opportunity from an amazing South African designer Gert Coetzee who saw potential in me and was keen on mentoring me and sharpening my skills so that I can make it even further in the fashion industry. I learnt a great amount of information through Gert in both Haute Couture and Ready to Wear asking with skills that I can apply to any future jobs!

Mar ‘22 - Apr ‘22

I was able to host my first Solo exhibition which was a mixture of art, fashion and music and it was one of the biggest events of the year. So big that the gallery owner decide to make it an annual event and we are currently planning a second one for 2023.

Fashion Cast Member
Jan ‘22 - Apr ‘22

I was given the opportunity to do what I love on television as well as show my different design abilities from sketch work, pattern creation and sewing all within a limited amount of time. As much as this experience was exciting and rewarding it also helped me ease into working under pressure as well as working as a team at times. This experience also allowed for me to meet amazing designers Gert Coetzee and Palesa Mokubung who judged the show and helped me tremendously in terms of my development and growth as a designer. The show is currently airing on Dstv channel 173.

Head Designer and Chief Executive Officer
Jan ‘21 - Now
Fungai Muzoroza

Fungai Muzoroza is a brand which actually sprouted from my university portfolio. After sharing my page I received quite a few requests on people wanting to buy, hire and collaborate which also brought me quite a lot of opportunities to work with many creatives and musicians. It has also helped a great deal in terms of my business skills and market research as well as my management skills

Social Media Manager
Sep ‘20 - Sep ‘21
Gus Hanson

The work I did for my brand Fungai X Rufaro, caught the eyes of the owners of a Zimbabwean luxury transportation company. This allowed me to handle their social media, create graphic work and adverts for their platform and gain many connections within their field. Many of these connections increased their following and social media conversions into bookings.

Makeup artist and shop assistant
Sep ‘19 - Jan ‘21

I currently work for a well established agency called Artisan People which allows me to work for luxury brands such as Hermes, L'Oréal etc. I mainly worked in Nars where I would assist in makeup up sales and doing people's makeup before stores had to shut down for the pandemic. This job enhanced my communication skills and really boosted my confidence in terms of making sales.

Co Owner and Head Designer
Jul ‘19 - Now
Fungai x Rufaro

Fungai X Rufaro is a proudly Zimbabwean fashion brand I co-created to bring diversity to the Zimbabwean fashion industry. I Discovered that building something from the ground up actually came with a lot of responsibilities and transferable skills such as admin, organisation, social media skills. Working for my own brand has also allowed me to gain a lot of creative skills not only in fashion design but also in graphic design, art/sketch work , photography and editing. In our first two years we have already gained over 1500 instagram followers, created 4 collections, worked and dressed British and Zimbabwean musicians and youtubers, featured twice in the newspaper and showcased twice in London.

Bar tending and till
May ‘19 - Sep ‘19
Michael Wisher

I worked for an agency called Michael Wisher which allowed me to work with and meet all different kinds of people. I specifically worked in football stadiums, which taught me to serve customers quickly an under pressure. It also enhanced my team work and communication skills and I learnt how to greet customers and make them feel welcome as I handle the till.

Play Worker Assistant
Nov ‘18 - May ‘19
Kids R Us

• Playing with children • tidying and cleaning • organizing boxes and setting up in this job I have gained a lot of communication skills with the children and I have also learnt to be patient and understanding, that in itself is rewarding.

Assistant Teacher
Jan ‘18 - Aug ‘18

I worked as a grade two assistant teacher at a private school in Harare, Zimbabwe. This required me to help children understand their classwork, teach the class from time to time, listen to reading, assist in sporting and extra curricular activities after school and help the few boarders with homework in the evenings. Although being a teacher has nothing to do with retail, it really helped with my patience, communication skills, compassion and assisting, which are all skills needed for any type of job.

Fashion teacher assistant
Apr ‘16 - Apr ‘16
Coco Seed

In 2016 I was called by Coco Seed (local Zimbabwean designer) to help assist fashion courses she was doing for young children. We taught them how to sketch their designs and sew their own accessories such as mermaid blankets, bags etc. this job really helped me increase my communication skills as well as my patience.

Fashion store intern
Dec ‘15 - Jan ‘16

In this job I was again taught how to handle stock, welcome and assist customers in the store as well as helping to plan small events. Because the store belonged to a local fashion designer, I also helped with the sketching of designs for some of the clothes in the store.

Fashion Intern
Aug ‘14 - Sep ‘14
Coco Seed

When I was 15 I did a fashion course and internship for one month which taught me many fashion technical skills but also taught me how to help and deal with customers as well as keeping the workplace tidy and handling stock. I also helped the designer backstage during her slot for fashion week which required lots of running around, focus and precision. Working in fashion and retail has always been my passion, hence why I pushed to start so early.

Retail Experience
Retail Category
High street
Work Environment
Department store
Product Category
Product demos
Client Advising
Product setup
Inventory control
Stockroom management
Open/closing store
Education & Training
Anglia Ruskin University
‘18 - ‘21
Bachelor's in Fashion design
Chisipite Senior School
‘16 - ‘17
3 A Level passes
Arundel School
‘12 - ‘15
8 O Level passes