
Lilato Madiri

Community Manager - I build brands through community building, nurturing and engagement.
Portfolio website

A creative professional with experience in community management, growth, engagement and content creation across various social platforms. I have a demonstrated history of working in global environments across Travel, Fashion & Beauty retail industries. I am accustomed to working in international teams, and working within fast-growing start-ups and remote teams. I'm a self-starter, passionate, committed, flexible and confident.

Previous Brands
Artykel Creative Form
Global Analysis Report
Prague Morning
Trinny London
Babes on Waves
Comic Relief
Rise Up
Work Experience
Freelance Community Manager
Feb ‘24 - Apr ‘24
Comic Relief

Freelance Community Specialist
Jun ‘23 - Now
Self employed

Freelance Community Manager
Jun ‘23 - Now
Babes on Waves

Freelance Community Manager
Jan ‘23 - Apr ‘23
Rise Up

May ‘22 - Jul ‘22

Successfully launched and grew the brand's first global online community over Facebook to 550 members Produced, owned and oversaw the community growth and social strategy Built LYMA's core community guidelines and onboarding processes Managed day-to-day moderation, engagement and administration Researched and implemented new tools to drive digital and team innovation Assisted with executing social copy, engagement, and communications across brand's key social platforms

Oct ‘20 - Dec ‘21
Trinny London

A highly engaged role, anchored in building relationships, trust and community across 28k member Global Trinny Tribe, 36 Regional Facebook groups, Founder and Brand Instagram and Facebook profiles, and Ambassador Emails. Lead 6 core team members in project & task management monthly to develop new ideas for the internal community team while fostering creativity and sharing outcomes with wider stakeholders Managed 3 regional tribes (Singapore, South Africa, and New Zealand) to drive engagement through regional, social, and brand-specific needs and initiatives daily Oversaw the day-to-day of all social media DMs, comments and UGC to strengthen community growth and bond across brand socials through brand values and tone of voice Produced & presented weekly reports on social engagements and insights within the global and regional community and social platforms to provide insights & new strategies. Assisted with producing and executing communications & community engagement strategies that leverage the brand's key social platforms, influencer seeding, gifting and outreach, and digital comms and marketing. Researched and implemented new platforms and tools to drive digital innovation, meet business needs, improve efficiencies, reach new audiences and build a community.

Nov ‘19 - Sep ‘20

A Pop Up Editor, Sales Associate to the Glossier brand's in real-life experience, in their first-ever temporary London location. Researched external skincare brands, skin types and conditions to help redefine the beauty shopping experience by adding value beyond the products, space, and transactions Incorporated further education in Glossier Academy to achieve in-depth product knowledge Embodied Glossier language & values offline to translate into a unique customer experience

Jan ‘19 - Apr ‘19
Prague Morning

A 3-month internship based in Prague, Czech Republic under Erasmus+ Funding. Where I also studied towards obtaining a Level 4 Diploma in European Digital Marketing and Entrepreneurship. Published high-quality news & stories about the related topics covered by Prague Morning Conducted feature interviews/fieldwork for sister publication Prague Express & copywrote for company video service website "Vizzards" to create and maintain a network of contacts Edited and proofread articles to translated from Czech to English properly and correctly

Jan ‘19 - Apr ‘19
Artykel Creative Form

Implemented & created an editorial content calendar that highlighted which content types to promote based on the alignment to the organization's values, priorities, and external factors Directed the company's 1 st mailing list clean up to make it easier to identify & differentiate hot leads from cold leads and initiated monthly email design to target prospective clients Initiated a collaborative approach to bring awareness of the Erasmus+ mobility placements

Aug ‘16 - Oct ‘16
Global Analysis Report

Created content designs & marketing outreach to maximize promotion for Amigo Month Networked with diplomats/politicians to voice for the Latino/Hispanic community in London Wrote and edited articles & blog pieces for various Latino, Hispanic, Lusophone platforms OTHER EXPERIENCE

Shona - Native
English - Native
Luton, UK