
Isabella Tra Lou

Student at the University of Hertfordshire

With a solid background at Foot Asylum and JD Sports, I have honed my skills in customer engagement, maintaining high standards, and sharing detailed product knowledge. Passionate about fashion retail, I thrive in dynamic environments, demonstrating flexibility and a commitment to service excellence. Basic proficiency in French enhances my ability to connect with a diverse clientele.

Previous Brands
Baring Primary School
Foot Asylum (Oxford Street)
JD Sports
Koru Kids
Work Experience
Aug ‘23 - Dec ‘23
Foot Asylum (Oxford Street)

• responsible for greeting customers • Working at tills • Maintaining standards • Sharing product knowledge with customers to build rapport and drive service excellence

Mar ‘22 - Jul ‘23
JD Sports

• responsible for greeting customers • Working at tills • Maintaining standards • Sharing product knowledge with customers to build rapport and drive service excellence

Retail Experience
Retail Category
High street
Work Environment
Flagship store
High street store
Shopping centre
Product Category
Client Help
Complaint handling
Returns & Exchanges
Cash register
Delivery processing
Open/closing store
Ismail Solkar
Senior colleague - Supervisor, JD Sports
Mar 2022 - Jul 2023

March 02, 2024 To whomever it may concern. I worked with Isabella for seven months as her colleague and as her superior at JD Sports, Hatfield and I can say this with utter confidence that she was one of the best employees we had at the time she is excellent at what she does, and she was very warm and welcoming towards the customers and always tried to help and understand the requirement of the customers. Isabella was one of the most reliable and trustworthy employees we had at the time and she was always up for a challenge and tried to learn new things which helped her grow. Isabella had excellent communication skills which helped her to initiate a dialogue with the customers and the customers always left with a smile. There were often instances where customers gave excellent feedback about Isabella. There was one incident that I distinctly remember where a customer was so happy with Isabella that she bought her a dessert this is just one of the incidents that I thought to share which highlights the commitment and dedication of Isabelle towards her work. Not just the customers she was very good with the kids where she listened and tried to help them. She always tried to make an effort to give excellent service to the consumers. Isabella was not just a good employee but she was an excellent co-worker as well, She always tried to help her other colleagues. To sum it up I can say that we started as co-workers but ended up being good friends and I was fortunate enough to work with her. I can highly recommend her for the opportunity that you have available and I can assure you that she will be an asset to your organisation. Isabella is a talented young woman and wish her all the best for her future. If you need any additional information, please contact me. Best regards, Ismail Solkar. Supervisor JD Sports(Hatfield).

Education & Training
Thomas Tallis School
‘16 - ‘19