
Valeriia Povergo

Client Advisor and Personal Shopper

I’m a customer-centric, personal shopper with nearly 5 years of experience in the fashion e-commerce industry. Building a private shopping client base and maximizing customer relationships with a focus to progress successful sales are areas I am skilled in and passionate about.

Previous Brands
Dream Dress
Motorboat Federation of Russia
Shoe factory Mario Circondato
Work Experience
Client Advisor and The Personal Shopper
Mar ‘18 - Now
Dream Dress

• Manage up to20kclient'sbudget,optimisedspendacross fashion E-commerce platforms • Global mindset approach towards client acquisition and development, working to develop a diverse portfolio of domestic and international clients, being respectful of cultural nuances to best service them • Provide expert advice to assist clients across all product categories and sales channels to ensure a seamless shopping experience • Maximize customer relationships to maintain and grow luxury clients base with a focus to expand, develop, and progress the successful personalized one-to-one customer service • Adopt and advocated for Web3 technology to enhance new client journeys whiting fashion e-commerce,providing a service to support and set up for success

Strategic Partnerships
Jan ‘16 - Mar ‘18
Shoe factory Mario Circondato

• Prospected for strategic partners to scale product distribution • Drove company profit by 25% through a new partner channel in the Russian market • Developed new offerings based on market insights and fast-changing client needs and priorities

Project Development and Partnerships
Jun ‘13 - Oct ‘15
Motorboat Federation of Russia

• Oversaw the 2,5-million-dollar fundraising campaign for the F1H2OWorld Championship in St. Petersburg, Russia • Developed relationships that led to strategic partnerships with an international fuel brand G-Drive Gazprom • Worked with C-level suite to create vision and goals for project, and represented out-of-the-box solutions to ensure quick market adoption

Design Engineer
Sep ‘12 - Jun ‘13

• Performed design of radiation monitoring system for nuclear power plants and design constraints providing documented compliance to performance and quality requirements; • Generated Design Documentation Reports and participated in Design Reviews • Assisted product validation and debugging activities working with Product, Quality, and author supervision at all stages of construction

Russian - Native
English - Fluent
Italian - Fluent
Education & Training
HSE university
‘12 - ‘13
Postgraduate certificate
‘03 - ‘09
Graduate degree
81054 San Prisco CE, Italy