
Ines Garrido

Senior Freelance Visual Designer
Portfolio website

I’m a well-seasoned designer with experience across various industries including Software Development, Science and Data, Luxury Beauty, Sustainable Energy, and Global PR & Marketing agencies.My background is rooted in the arts and the more creative elements of design. I am passionate about typography and creating visually engaging artwork/layouts that fulfil both aspects of function and form.

Previous Brands
HooYu / 1 92.com
National Trust
Science Ltd, Damien Hirst
So Energy
Steven Webster
Work Experience
Senior Visual Designer
Jan ‘22 - Jan ‘23
So Energy

Responsible to maintain brand consistency across all kinds of communications (external and internal). Collaborating with diferent departments within the company to ensure the brand principles are aligned with the goals and objectives of the business. I work closely with other members of the product design team who are UI/UX designers to create concepts and build brand systems that can adapt to the time, place and medium. Principle responsibilities: + Implement brand elements in user-centred design models. + Be in communication with product teams and stakeholders to create a better visual experience for the solar customer. + Participate in user research- competitor analysis and UX testing. + Create high-quality content to increase brand awareness across the business. + Establish visual guides for blog posts, social media assets and marketing collaterals. + Document design process. + Create identifiable visual language for solar energy products. Accomplishments: + Designed a coherent visual experience and more consolidated tone of voice for Solar Branding to establish a presence in the UK Solar market linked to the targeted growth and profitable Market Share. + Helped the Energy Independence Team quote more eficiently by working with UI & UX designers and product managers to create self-serve interactive tools for the users. + Redesign the structure of So Energy homepage to ofer more support to customers to reduce contact with call centre advisors. + Transformed complex business concepts into engaging graphics for pitching presentations (digital and print).

Visual Designer & Digital Designer
Jan ‘19 - Jan ‘22
HooYu / 1 92.com

Visual/Digital Designer at a software company called HooYu Ltd (specialized in virtual identification and data) and collaborated with brands such as Natwest bank and Betfred. My position here was to develop their visual brand identity - working closely with their UI/UX design, marketing team and product team. I provided marketing design collaterals (digital and print) to promote their business. One of the major projects I am responsible for is the re-design and re-structuring of HooYu's website. Principle responsibilities: + Creating content for social media & digital platforms for all of HooYu and 192.com such as promotional emails, webinars, afiliates ads, display (print), app and website graphics. + Desiging new UI components for HooYu's products. + 192.com update logo design and brand guidelines. + Assist in user research and other user centered design activities. Building the foundational branding elements of HooYu's corporate identity. I adapted what was in place before me into a unified and consolidated voice. In addition, I worked on the re-design of the company's website which ensures the focused visual integrity of the brand. Designing with a foundational thought in mind - that any future changes and adaptations can be integrated seamlessly, I paved the way to accommodate the growth and expansion of Hooyu and 192's visual presence across all media platforms. Accomplishments: + Established the look and feel for various interfaces, including websites pages and mobile devices. + Worked within brand guidelines to create layouts that reinforce a brand's style or voice through its visual touchpoints. + Design user-centred interaction models, wireframes or screen mockups. + Closely collaborated with Marketing directors (Hooyu and 192.com) and product managers to solve complex issues, like interaction models and data visualization graphics. + I advanced and demonstrated my knowledge of coding in a major project i.e. new Hooyu website in collaboration with front end developers. + Design and developed bespoke transitions, animation, motion design and dynamic interaction for social media content. + The ability to execute art direction work both autonomously and collaboratively.

Freelance Visual Designer
Jan ‘16 - Now
Self employed

I have worked across various industries including Software Development, Science and Data, Luxury Beauty, Sustainable Energy, and Global PR & Marketing agencies. From local businesses and independent clients to bigger companies, I collaborate with people to create illustrations and graphics, conceive designs, and promote their products/services. Developing future-proof brand identity packages, visual design systems and ofering comprehensive design solutions for diferent creative needs. Some of the clients that I have worked with as a freelancer are: + MCH Global , Zurich

Studio Asistant (Painting & Graphics)
Jan ‘15 - Jan ‘19
Science Ltd, Damien Hirst

I created mock-ups for visualisation of some of the artwork series. Working as a full-time painter, in addition to assist team members in designing presentation decks for Damien Hirst's artwork portfolio. I worked across two departments for photorealism/specialist paintings and to execute tasks regarding graphic/visual design-looking artworks. Following are some of my key accomplishments while holding this position: + Accomplished all tasks to meet tight deadlines for Damien Hirst and his clients, as well as functioned in several projects simultaneously and crossed media, as a part of the production team. + Served as part of production of ` veil paintings ´ exhibition in Beverly Hills 2018 and contributed to major projects like ` treasures on the wreck of the unbelievable ´ , exhibition that took place in Venice 2017.

Steven Webster

National Trust


Spanish - Native
English - Fluent
Education & Training
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
Unknown - ‘16
Bachelor's Degree in Digital Design & Creation,
UCL Institute of Education
Unknown - ‘15
Master's Degree in Art & Design in Education,
Universidad de Sevilla (BBAA)
Unknown - ‘14
Bachelor of Fine Arts
London, UK