
Kasey Murphy

Marketing Manager
Portfolio website

A creative mind with a constantly modernizing view of media and marketing practices, with a mission to work and learn in a positive creative environment. Currently seeking a management position within a marketing role, allowing me to focus on branding and creative strategies within an organisation and a supportive marketing team. On the fun side - An American living in the UK, lover of travel, fashion, dogs, and a good reality TV show. Happy to chat with anyone, and love to keep busy!

Previous Brands
FatCat Strategies
Groundwork Uk
Groupon- Orderup
Mmi Public Relations
Raleigh Magazine
St. Pete Economic Development Corporation
The News & Observer
the Tyler Place
Three Ships
Track it Forward
Work Experience
Aug ‘21 - Now
Groundwork Uk

Created the brand from scratch with logos, brand kit, website, social media channels team materials. Implemented quarterly marketing strategies containing three main focuses and identifying and strengthening the target audiences and the methods to attract them. Managed all campaigns and promotions focusing on: outreach, ads, social media, website optimisation, SEO, hard marketing material, direct contact marketing and inperson events. Established email marketing and group marketing through different CRM and media software. Developed content including Instagram reels and videos while immersing into Tiktok. Outlined and followed a clear budget for advertising via social media, Google, and promotional material.

May ‘20 - May ‘21
Track it Forward

FULL-TIME Curated a clear and modern content marketing strategy, standard operating procedures, analytics tracking system, conversion drip campaigns, retargeting ads, and vertical analysis. Write B2B and B2C content: high ranking SERP, high CTR, and lead converting. Average Improved keyword ranking on content by ~ 7%. And raised organic traffic clicks from 6,000 to 15,000 monthly. Created and refreshed content and lead magnets, gaining content with up to 40% conversion rates. Reformatted the website's design to be more user-friendly, credible, and on-brand. Increased page views by over 15,000 in one year. Iterated on the full aspect of the marketing funnel by producing content, outreach campaigns, and an analytics tagging process to see which marketing tactic customers came from.

May ‘20 - Aug ‘20
St. Pete Economic Development Corporation

Established projects with the marketing coordinator to convince companies to move to St. Pete for business using an informed yet casual voice while remaining a subtle tone sensitive to COVID-19. Focused on SEO keywords, internal and external linking, quotations, and highlighting outlined points. EXPERIENCE CONTINUED

May ‘19 - Sep ‘19
the Tyler Place

Provided information to guests about the resort and local area and maintained an entertainment schedule and sign-ups for the week. While managing marketing mailing and field phone calls. Provided 30 different social media content ideas, 25 blog post ideas, 3 of which I wrote and edited.

May ‘19 - Sep ‘19
Three Ships

Prepared three blogs weekly for different clientele, including pet, sustainability, home improvement, travel and wellness chronicles; while sourcing credible websites, followed SEO guidelines. I also maintained my invoices and payment for this job.

Jan ‘19 - May ‘19
The News & Observer

PART-TIME Created 15 published articles, both print and online. I started writing light art, living, and entertainment pieces and gradually progressed into more serious pieces. Experimented with varying voices, each capturing the audience's attention. I wrote different styled articles, including question and answer, short narrative, informative and long narrative. I was on the Front Page twice.

Sep ‘18 - May ‘19
FatCat Strategies

Produced content on behalf of 6 different clients, altering the client's voice each time. Researched effective marketing strategies to gain media marketing experience for the same clients. Utilized paid social media marketing advertisements on multiple platforms and reviewed PPC and general marketing outlines for different businesses. Designed and orchestrated an organization system for future interns upon departure.

Jan ‘18 - May ‘19
Raleigh Magazine

Starting as an intern, I was later promoted to a freelance writer. Overall, I have had 18 stories published. Pitched and wrote my own personal story ideas. I also carried out my own finances and invoices for this job.

Jan ‘17 - May ‘17
Mmi Public Relations

Drafted various media publications on behalf of 10 different clients; I also formulated the best media and news engagement practices. Implemented PR and Media strategies to create a contact list of media outlets. I created press releases, media packets, and social media.

Jan ‘17 - May ‘17
Groupon- Orderup

PART-TIME Examined in-person marketing methods and used them in social settings to increase brand awareness. Organized and scheduled meetings with business owners and HR teams to explain the business feature of products and sales.

English - Fluent
Spanish - Basic
Education & Training
Newcastle University
‘21 - ‘22
Master of Science
International Marketing
University of the Sacred Heart
‘17 - ‘17
Study Abroad
Digital Media
North Carolina State University
‘15 - ‘19
Bachelor of Arts
Communication Media & Journalism
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK